The Club Mac Alcudia is located in a quieter area of Alcudia, on the northern coast of Majorca. The hotel is one and half kilometres from Alcudia Beach and provides guests with views of the surrounding hills. The hotel is popular among families due its large water park and wide range of facilities.  Unfortunately many cases of avoidable holiday illness have been reported by visitors to the Club Mac Alcudia. have dealt with 95 cases of reported food poisoning at the Club Mac Alcudia.

Many visitors to the Club Mac Alcudia have reported being served either under cooked food or food that had been left out for long periods of time.  Holidaymakers have also observed unacceptable standards of housekeeping and cleanliness.

Symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea and high temperatures have been common and are usually related to food poisoning or coming into contact with unclean water.  This had led to many all-inclusive holidays being ruined and many holidaymakers left out of pocket.

Whilst staying in the Club Mac Alcudia it is important to follow these guidelines to reduce the risk of food poisoning and other holiday illnesses:

  • Avoid foods not cooked thoroughly and/or re-heated incorrectly.
  • Avoid foods not prepared hygienically.
  • Avoid food not stored at the correct temperature.
  • Frequently use an alcohol-based hand gel.
  • Avoid salads and any uncooked fruits and vegetables (these may have been handled unhygienically)
  • Avoid swimming in water or pools that appear dirty and untreated.

In the event that you do get ill Sickholiday advise that you seek medical attention whilst on holiday as this will greatly increase your chances of making an eligible claim upon your return.

It is your tour operators’ responsibility to make sure you are provided with a safe, clean and hygienic hotel.

If you have fallen ill whilst on an all-inclusive holiday to the Club Mac Alcudia, get in touch with a member of our team on 01625 253 020.

We have over 10 years industry experience and we will be happy to help you through the process of claiming back the cost of your holiday plus any additional compensation you may be owed.







“Forced to visit the doctors…”

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Over 2014 we noticed a few hotels from outside the country had racked up a few victims themselves. One of these was Club Mac in Alcudia, on the beautiful Spanish island of Majorca. Our team have received a total of 80 enquiries; mainly from the 2014 holiday season.  Many of whom have gone on to receive compensation for their discomfort.

One of these affected was Master M who travelled to the Club Mac Alcudia in June 2014, Master M was only 5 at the time of the holiday. Around 4 days into the holiday he started suffering with severe diarrhoea & vomiting, along with a high temperature. [/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end]This was such a cause for concern that he was taken to visit the hotel doctor where he was given rehydration sachets. To make matters worse the other 3 family members all came down with symptoms a couple of days after.  The illness was reported to the holiday rep in resort who logged the complaint. The family found that food was undercooked and appeared to be reheated. The food was so substandard they were forced to eat outside the hotel at the end of the holiday causing further expense.[/ezcol_1third_end]



“Too many problems to mention…”

Review of the Club Mac Alcudia

“At least 5 of us contracted a sickness bug, and at least half had upset stomachs, this was reported to reception and they did get a doctor but am pretty sure this was to cover their own backs. I for one will never return here.”

Read the full review here:

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01625 253 020

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