One of the more common parasites we come across is Giardia lamblia, which is the cause of an infection known as giardiasis. The number of giardiasis outbreaks reported due to foreign travel is estimated to be around 900 each year, the most common countries we have found this to come from are Turkey, Gambia, Kenya and Bulgaria. This parasite lives and reproduces in the intestine causing severe illness through inflammation, infection and malnutrition.

Giardia is commonly transmitted via contaminated water associated with countries that have generally poor sanitation. Another common cause is poorly prepared food that has been washed in contaminated tap water. Most people we have dealt with became infected with giardiasis due to drinking water contaminated with the parasite. This commonly takes place when water dispensers are re-filled with tap water, glasses are rinsed with tap water or food is rinsed with infected water.

Common symptoms of Giardia Lamblia can include:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Severe stomach cramps
  • Foul smelling eructation (belching) often described as like rotten eggs
  • Extreme flatulence
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss

Less common symptoms can include:

  • Fever
  • Vomiting

Onset of Illness: 1 – 2 weeks from contamination.

Duration of Illness: If treated with suitable antibiotics then the illness will last for weeks, but it has been known to last for months if left undiagnosed.

It is your tour operator’s responsibility to make sure you are provided with a safe, clean and hygienic hotel.

If you have fallen ill whilst on an all-inclusive holiday get in touch with a member of our team.  We have over 10 years industry experience and we will be happy to help you through the process of claiming back the cost of your holiday plus any additional compensation you may be owed.

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