The Jaz Mirabel Beach is a 5 star waterfront hotel located in the Nabq Bay region of Sharm El Sheikh.  The hotel claims to be a luxury holiday destination offering its visitors high standards across its variety of accommodation and amenities.  Despite the Jaz Mirbels luxurious settings, hear of regular reports of avoidable holiday illness from holiday makers unlucky enough to have experienced poor standards of safety and hygiene. have dealt with 73 cases of reported food poisoning at the Jaz  Mirabel Beach Hotel.

Visitors to the hotel have reported poor standards and unacceptable food hygiene, resulting in symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhoea and vomiting.   Not only does this affect your health but also leaves many holidaymakers out of pocket due to expensive medical bills.

Whilst staying in the Jaz Mirabel Beach Hotel it is important to follow these guidelines to reduce the risk of food poisoning and other holiday illnesses:

  • Avoid foods not cooked thoroughly and/or re-heated incorrectly.
  • Avoid foods not prepared hygienically.
  • Avoid food not stored at the correct temperature.
  • Frequently use an alcohol-based hand gel.
  • Avoid salads and any uncooked fruits and vegetables (these may have been handled unhygienically)
  • Avoid swimming in water or pools that appear dirty and untreated.

In the event that you do get ill Sickholiday advise that you seek medical attention whilst on holiday as this will greatly increase your chances of making an eligible claim upon your return.

It is your tour operators’ responsibility to make sure you are provided with a safe, clean and hygienic hotel.

If you have fallen ill whilst on an all-inclusive holiday at the Jaz Mirabel Beach Hotel, get in touch with a member of our team on 01625 253 020.

We have over 10 years industry experience and we will be happy to help you through the process of claiming back the cost of your holiday plus any additional compensation you may be owed.







£40 on Imodium from the hotel pharmacy.”

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We see cases every month from the Jaz Mirabel Beach. Mr G stayed here in June 2015 and suffered severe diarrhoea and unfortunately was bed bound on the last few days of his holiday.  Mr G and his wife went to the hotel pharmacy where they bought diarrhoea tablets (Antinal), they were horrified at the price of £40. In the local Egyptian high Street pharmacy’s Antinal is priced around £2. It is not licensed in the UK as it can give nasty side effects. It is only used on animals.

Mr G visited his general practice when he came home where they took stool and blood tests.

Here at SickHoliday we do hear some good things about this hotel, but never about the food. People always comment on the friendly staff, the gorgeous grounds and tidy rooms. It seems to be a shame they can’t manage their food hygiene.





“Not 5 Star – Awful restaurant!”

Reviewed 28 Septmeber 2014

“My wife suffered from diarrhoea on the fourth day of the holiday.  She continued to suffer even after our return to the UK.  I myself became ill on the final day.  The restaurant would have benefited from a thorough deep clean and re-education of the staff in basic food hygiene.”

Read the full review here:


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