The Island Garden Resort hotel is located in the popular resort of Sharm El Sheikh. Offering holiday makers various facilities, amenities and services in a traditional Egyptian atmosphere. Featuring a view of the sea and close to Sharks Bay, Montazah beach, Jackson reef and Naama Bay Beach, it should be the ideal all-inclusive destination.  However, many visitors to the Island Garden Resort hotel experience avoidable holiday illness. have dealt with 19 cases of reported food poisoning at the Island Garden Resort.

Many visitors to the Island Garden Resort have reported being served under cooked food.  Sewage smells have also been reported in and around the hotel.

Symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea and high temperatures have been common and are usually related to food poisoning or coming into contact with unclean water.  This had led to many all-inclusive holidays being ruined and many holidaymakers left out of pocket.

Whilst staying in the Island Garden Resort Resort it is important to follow these guidelines to reduce the risk of food poisoning and other holiday illnesses:

  • Avoid foods not cooked thoroughly and/or re-heated incorrectly.
  • Avoid foods not prepared hygienically.
  • Avoid food not stored at the correct temperature.
  • Frequently use an alcohol-based hand gel.
  • Avoid salads and any uncooked fruits and vegetables (these may have been handled unhygienically).
  • Avoid swimming in water or pools that appear dirty and untreated.

In the event that you do get ill Sickholiday advise that you seek medical attention whilst on holiday as this will greatly increase your chances of making an eligible claim upon your return.

It is your tour operators’ responsibility to make sure you are provided with a safe, clean and hygienic hotel.

If you have fallen ill whilst on an all-inclusive holiday get in touch with a member of our team.  We have over 10 years industry experience and we will be happy to help you through the process of claiming back the cost of your holiday plus any additional compensation you may be owed.









[ezcol_1third]island-garden-resort[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third]Mr Whittle and 6 of his family members travelled to the Island Garden Resort in Sharm El Sheikh for their annual summer holiday. Unfortunately just 4 days into their 2 week holiday all 7 family members fell ill with stomach cramps, diarrhoea and vomiting. The food was of such a poor standard in the main restaurant that the family mainly lived off the snack food (burgers/chips) from around the pool. However during the holiday the children told the client that the server at the snack bar had dropped their food on the floor, picked it back up and told them to take it. They didn’t want to but were told they couldn’t have a fresh one so they didn’t eat. [/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end]By the end of the holiday the family had no choice but to eat in the local MacDonalds, they couldn’t go for out for a nice dinner every night as it was just not in their budget. Some of the family members couldn’t enter their rooms through the front door as they were situated right next to some sort of sewage storage place. The smell was so strong they physically couldn’t face walking past it. For the whole holiday they had to use the patio doors that lead out to the rear. Overall the holiday was completely ruined by illness and they will not be returning.[/ezcol_1third_end]



“The worst hotel i have ever stayed in!”

Review of the Island Garden Resort

“On day two of our holiday, I woke up with violent vomiting and diarrhoea. Appalling hotel. Think very carefully before booking!!”

Read the full review here.


“Don’t Go!”

Review of the Island Garden Resort

“Myself my partner and our two children had sickness and diarrhoea for two weeks!  Even with the tablets from chemist we all lost weight and spent a fortune on eating out.”

Read the full review here.

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